12 Kasım 2015 Perşembe

Topkapi Dagger and Spoonmaker's Diamond


The Topkapı Dagger was crafted in 1747 by order of Sultan Mahmut I, initially for the purpose of being sent as a gift to İranian ruler Nadir Shah. But when the Ottoman delegation on the road to deliver the gift arrived near Baghdad, they heard the news that an uprising occured in İran and that Nadir Shah was assasinated, they returned with the dagger to the palace in İstanbul.

The dagger has been kept at the Ottoman Treasury since then. It has w worldwide reputation, in particular due to the famous film "TOPKAPI" , made in 1964 directed by Jules Dassin, starring Melina Mercouri, Maximilian Schell and Peter Ustinoc, in which the dagger was being the subject of a robbery.

The 35 cm long dagger's handgrip is adorned with three big emeralds; a smaller emerald decorates the tip of its scabbard which is adorned also with other precious stones and an enamelled fruit basket. The slot on top of the dagger's handle, covered with an emerald decorated lid, contains also a watch.

* Nadir Shah (1688-1747) Founder of the Afshar Turkish Dynasty
One of the biggest Oghuz Turks tribe "Avşar Hanedanı"

Not a Persian, or a Persian State. Persia or today's İran was built in 1925, till then it was always ruled by the Turks (Safavids to). The Persians came in the 8th c BC for the first time into the region. Before that time, nothing; archaeological remains, cities, artifacts, etc... belongs to them.

Avşar Turks are still living in İran (South Azerbaijan), Irak, Syria, Afghanistan and Turkey. And the westerners introduces them as Kurds!!!



The Spoonmaker's Diamond is one of the 22 most valuable diamonds of the world. The 86 carat diamond is surrounded by two rows of brilliants. Its oval shape is at the origin of its name.
According to another rumour, a poor man at eğrikapı found this diamond in the garbage and gave it away to a pawnbroker in return for three spoons. The usurer consulted two goldsmiths who recognized the quality of the gem and who started to quarrel each other to get the diamond.

The event went up to the ears of first the Grand Vizier Merzifonlu Kara Mustafa Pasha and then also of Sultan Mehmet IV. Of course, the diamond was brought to the palace upon the Sultan's orders. Jewellers initially made it into a ring. In the 18th century, the diamond was converted into a crest gem by adding 49 brilliants around it.

Another rumour is as follows:
In 1774 a French officer named Pigot, bought this diamond from the Maharajah Madaras in India and took it back to France. The diamond was later purchased by the mother of Emperor Napoleon, who wore it on her chest for a long time. However, when Napoleon was sent in exile, she was forced to sell the diamond in order to save her son. a representative of Tepedelenli Ali Pasha, Governer of Greece, who happenede to be in France at that moment, purchased the diamond on behalf of Ali Pasha for 150 thousan gold coins, and he brought it to him. This is why the gem is also referred to as the "Pigot Diamond" by some accounts.

Museum Magazine

"Hint- Avrupalıların “İran’a ulaşması” 1500 değil, MÖ. 800 yıl olarak kabul edilmektedir.- MÖ. 8. yüzyıla ait edilen bu tarihi E.A.Grantovski her ne kadar çalışsa da, MÖ. 9. yüzyıla bağlayamadı." Açık Mektup, Prof.Dr. Gazanfer Kazımov-Azerbaycan

"Bugün tarih bilimi, Hint-Avrupa dilli Perslerin 10 boyunun ilk kez doğumdan 900 yıl önce doğu yönünden İran çölüne geldiklerini ve Elam şehzadelerinin egemenliği altında olan çağdaş Fars ve Kirman vilayetlerinde, Elam yönetiminin izniyle, yurt edinip, yaşadıklarını kesin olarak gösteriyor. Onlardan yaklaşık 3500 yıl önce Türkler İran topraklarında uygarlıklar ve devletler yaratmışlardır. Bu kitapta İran Türklerinin eski tarihi iki dönemde araştırılır: 1- Hint-Avrupa dilli ellerin doğumdan 900 yıl önce İran’a gelmesine kadarki yaklaşık 3.5 bin yıllık tarihi.; 2- doğumdan 900 yıl önceden İskender’in saldırısına kadarki dönemde yurdumuzun eklemeli dilli halklarının tarihi, yaşamı ve uygarlığı." İRAN TÜRKLERİNİN ESKİ TARİHİ, Prof.Dr. Muhammed Taki Zehtabi (Kirişçi) [Prof.Zehtabi'nin de evinde işkence ile öldürdüğünü ve sebeblerinin bu çalışmalar olduğunu bilelim...]